Digestate Characteristics and Valorisation Options

"To develop a ‘data pack’ on the properties, characteristics, and content of digestate that will provide the context for the development of new uses of outputs from Anaerobic Digesters"

Project Selection and Delivery Details

In 2020, the Research Panel recommended the project for funding. Following a competitive tender period, REAL appointed Solidsense Ltd as the project contractor. The work was undertaken by Solidsense Ltd in collaboration with Aqua Enviro and Cambridge Eco Ltd, forming the Solidsense Ltd Consortium. Work commenced in May 2021 and was completed in December 2021. The total project cost was £57,910 (excl. VAT).

Associated Documents

  • The Project Brief, which summarises the research scope and objectives, can be found here
  • The Tender Invitation Document (TID), which was used to invite potential contractors to tender for the work, can be found here