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Tender Opportunity: Risk Assessments to inform Compost and AD EoW Frameworks

Posted: 28 October, 2024. Written by Megan Muller-Girard

The Research Hub is seeking an experienced and qualified contractor to undertake a project entitled “Risk assessments to inform the revision of End-of-Waste Frameworks for compost and digestate.” 

The project aims to inform the development of evidence-based End-of-Waste positions for compost and digestate (i.e., the Compost Resource Framework and AD Resource Framework, respectively). This work will involve:

  • Gap Analysis: Identify potential hazards within the compost and digestate value chains.
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluate risks associated with the production and use of waste-derived compost and digestates

For full project details and submission instructions, refer to the Tender Invitation Document (here). Questions? Contact Megan at by Friday 8th November.

Submission Deadline: Friday 6th December 2024.

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