Posted: 14 March, 2022. Written by Megan Muller-Girard
Do you have an idea for the Research Hub’s next project?
We’re calling on you to share any industry-related research questions or ideas you would like the Hub to investigate in the coming year. To do so, simply submit a Research Proposal.
How to Submit a Proposal:
Briefly outline your proposed research project by completing a Research Proposal Submission Form (here) to the best of your ability. You may find it helpful to look through the Research Hub’s objectives (here) and examples of projects previously commissioned by the Research Hub, all initially submitted as proposals (here).
Please send your completed Research Proposal Submission Form with the subject line 'Research Proposal' to Megan Muller-Girard, the Research Hub Manager, at The deadline for submissions is Friday, 8th April 2022.
In the meantime, if you have any Research Proposal or Hub-related questions, please also raise these with Megan.
We look forward to hearing your ideas!