The Research Hub works alongside the REAL Compost Certification Scheme (CCS) and Biofertiliser Certification Scheme (BCS). CCS and BCS certify compost and digestate to a set of independent quality Standards (PAS 100 and PAS 110). CCS-certified compost and BCS-certified digestate is considered to have achieved end-of-waste and quality assured status.
REAL established the Research Hub to provide research support for technical and regulatory developments related to the production, testing, and use of certified compost and digestate.
The Research Hub funds research to support the following objectives:
The Research Hub sources research ideas via an open Call for Proposals at the start of each year. CCS and BCS participants are invited to feedback on proposals.
Proposals are then evaluated by an appointed ‘Research Panel’ of organics sector professionals, considering industry feedback.
Selected projects are funded through an annual Research Fee paid by CCS and BCS participants. REAL appoints a contractor to deliver each project.
Please find linked here the Tender Q&A Document for the Research Hub project entitled Alternative control growing media for REAL CCS plant response tests.This document contains answers to all questions submitted to the Research Hub about the Tender Invitation Document for this project.The deadline for tender submissions for this project is 21st March 2025...
Posted: 28 February, 2025
A reminder that the deadline for questions in relation to this opportunity to tender is 19th February 2025. Please send any questions to jackie@recc...
Posted: 14 February, 2025